Welcome to my BiBu Cakes world..! :D

Why 'BiBu'? BiBu means Ibu or Mummy.. Rakha, my first son called me BiBu ;) *lovin' it*

BiBu Cakes is my second biggest experiment after having babies ;P Here you can see all of my million trials and errors :D I can't even count the laughter I've spent for all the stupidity occurred during those times, and it ended up with making fool of myself. Haha But, it worthy when it became better than yesterday (it's just an enough encouragement for me :)) Yet, am still learning and trying to give my best shot for all the trust that you've given me to bake a cake/cupcake/cookie for your special events :D

BiBu Cakes
Nanda-Mum of two, Rakha & Allegra
Email&FB account: anandasagita@yahoo.com
Cellphone: +628119987873

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kartu Nama..Kartu Nama..Kartu Namaaa :D

Akhirnyah project 1 jam ku di hari Minggu ceria berbuah hasil yang sangat memuaskan..! Karena udah lamaaaaa bangettt rencana bikin kartu nama ini tertunda2.. *ffiiiuuuuhh* Nuansanya hijau & ungu, my two fav colors, heee Untung si bapak designer di Snapy Gandaria sangat bisa mengarahkan saya supaya ga pikir panjang *bagus nggak ya..kayaknya jelek deh..hmmph bagus ga yaa..* wakakakak jadi kelar dech 1 jam plus bikin label juga tuk ditempel di lollipop cookies! hehehe jadi punya hobby baru lagi nich, bagi2 kartu nama, hahahaha narsis.com! ;P suka..suka..sukaaaa :D

Kartu Nama 

Sticker Label

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