Welcome to my BiBu Cakes world..! :D

Why 'BiBu'? BiBu means Ibu or Mummy.. Rakha, my first son called me BiBu ;) *lovin' it*

BiBu Cakes is my second biggest experiment after having babies ;P Here you can see all of my million trials and errors :D I can't even count the laughter I've spent for all the stupidity occurred during those times, and it ended up with making fool of myself. Haha But, it worthy when it became better than yesterday (it's just an enough encouragement for me :)) Yet, am still learning and trying to give my best shot for all the trust that you've given me to bake a cake/cupcake/cookie for your special events :D

BiBu Cakes
Nanda-Mum of two, Rakha & Allegra
Email&FB account: anandasagita@yahoo.com
Cellphone: +628119987873

Saturday, November 13, 2010

4th Wedding Ann Cupcakes for Anggi

Alhamdulillaah :) Kali ini pesenannya Anggi temen deket ku waktu jaman SD dahulu kala, hehe Cupcakes nya tuk 4th wedding anniversary nya Anggi & hubby nya ;) Requestnya bola, Fred the Red MU, Superman, laptop, books, little forest or bamboo forest 'n the panda, pasutri (couple) bobok di bulan plus bidadari yg diem2 ngintip ;P Little forest nya aku bikin jadi bamboo forest plus baby panda nya, soalnya bingung design nya gimana kalo forest ajah, qiqiqi *tukang kue nya lagi buntu ide nich* ;P
Ech ternyata, maksudnya Anggi, little forest itu tuk melambangkan perkebunan karet suami nya.. oalaaaa makin bingung lah si tukang kue nya, gimana bikin karet nya ya, nanti malahan jadi bikin Callista lagi main karet sama Superman dech! wekekekekekkk ;P Tuk Superman maap juga ya Nggi, aku bikininnya versi balita, hihi'
Happy 4th Ann, Anggi & Gerald! Semoga selalu menjadi keluarga yang sakinah mawaddah warrohmah, aamiin.. *ditunggu ya edisi ke-2 nya Anggi&Gerald, qiqiqiqi* :D

Pandaaa, kiss kisssss :*

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