Welcome to my BiBu Cakes world..! :D

Why 'BiBu'? BiBu means Ibu or Mummy.. Rakha, my first son called me BiBu ;) *lovin' it*

BiBu Cakes is my second biggest experiment after having babies ;P Here you can see all of my million trials and errors :D I can't even count the laughter I've spent for all the stupidity occurred during those times, and it ended up with making fool of myself. Haha But, it worthy when it became better than yesterday (it's just an enough encouragement for me :)) Yet, am still learning and trying to give my best shot for all the trust that you've given me to bake a cake/cupcake/cookie for your special events :D

BiBu Cakes
Nanda-Mum of two, Rakha & Allegra
Email&FB account: anandasagita@yahoo.com
Cellphone: +628119987873

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

SpongeBobSquarePants & Hello Kitty Cupcakes for Zara 4th B'day

Big project for me, pesenannya Eka Enda Ungu tuk anak semata wayangnya Azahra Leola 4th b'day. Udah gadis aja ya Zara (hehe gadis kecil dink).. Temanya terserah.com (tau aja tukang kueh nya amatiran, hee), apa aja yang bagus, kalo ga bagus ga dibayar kata Eka.. hahaaa 40cupcakes tuk dibagiin ke temen2 sekolahnya, temen cowok dapet SpongeBob, yang cewek dapet HelloKitty.. di tiap cupcakes ada nama masing2 temennya Zara, biar ga rebuttan kali yaa.. hehe ternyata emang sengaja di buat kayak gitu biar match sama b'day souvenir nya..Rakha&Allegra dapet juga logh, lucu dech tas selempang jeans ada jahitan namanya masing-masing di tas nya..lucu dech poko'e.. Maaci ya Zara :D
Nah ini hasil begadang nyaah, tarraaaa...

Test drive tower baru, untung aja gak rubuh ya, hehee
SpongeBobSquarePants are queing to be grabbed :)
Lines of cute Hello Kitty are waiting for Hula dancing partners :)
Candid ;P
Come join me do the Hula dance :D


  1. Super cute! :)
    Congratulations on the new blog yahh :)
    aku taruh di blogroll-ku :) jadi orang lain juga bisa main2 kesini :)


  2. hihihi makasih ya Jeff, mainan baru nich ;P
